I am currently working on a full length play titled Deafie, which explores the funny, touching, and challenging realities of navigating life with an invisible disability.
In 2018, I joined Ocean Edge Performance Writers, a regional branch of Edge Performance Writers. and wrote my first short play, Possum.​
In 2019, I directed Possum as part of a four-play collection of shorts that I co-produced with Therese Edmonds. We called our theatre experience, The Circuit. Its novel format and engaging short plays saw us sell out at Busselton Fringe.
I was lucky to work in close collaboration with Therese, who is a theatre maven and award-winning playwright. She is a wonderful mentor to emerging playwrights.
Later in 2019, I entered a new short play, The Change, into South-West Shorts 2019. The competition attracted a record number of entries and was judged by Andrea Gibbs (Barefaced Stories), Sherryl Spencer (Blak Yak Theatre Company), and Vivienne Garrett (award-winning stage and screen actress).
In the final stage of the competition, I directed and performed in The Change, alongside actor (and playwright), Carolyn Forte, at Margaret River HEART theatre.
The Change received the Judges’ Award and was published in the South-West Shorts 2019 anthology, available for purchase on Amazon.

I really like being able to laugh at my own jokes.
Neil Gaiman